The values of data structures in a program are lost when the program terminates. If you want to keep the data after the program terminates, the data need to be stored in a file or database JAVA program can read a data and write a data from and to a file. This process is called File Input/Output (I/O)
Steps to write a program using file input & output
- Open a I/O stream objects (using FileReader or FileWriter class)
- Read/write a data to a I/O stream objects (using read() or write() methods)
- Close the I/O stream objects (using close() method)
* 1) Read data from file named Revenue.txt.
2) Write the information into FirstHalfYear.txt that contain company name and revenues for the
first 6 months
3) Calculate income tax amount
4) Write the information into IncomeTax.txt consists of company name and income tax for every
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class RevenueApp
public static void main(String args[])
///step 1
//open Revenue.txt - read
FileReader fr = new FileReader("Revenue.txt");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
//open FirstHalfYear.txt - write
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter("FirstHalfYear.txt");
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bw);
//open IncomeTax.txt - write
FileWriter fw2 = new FileWriter("IncomeTax.txt");
BufferedWriter bw2 = new BufferedWriter(fw2);
PrintWriter pw2 = new PrintWriter(bw2);
//Print title into firstHalfyear.txt
pw.println("COMPANY \t\t MONTHLY REVENUE");
pw.println("\t\t jan \t\t Feb \t\t March \t\t April \t\t May \t\t June");
//print title into incometax.txt
pw2.println("2010 INCOME TAX");
pw2.println("COMPANY \t\t TOTAL REVENUE \t\t INCOME TAX");
////step 2
//read data line by line
String input=null, insert, compName=null;
long rev [] = new long[12];
long totRev = 0;
double incometax=0.0;
while((input=br.readLine()) != null)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input, ";");
//read company name
compName = st.nextToken();
//read revenue for january;
for(int i=0;i<rev.length; i++)
insert = st.nextToken();
rev[i] = Long.parseLong(insert);
//calculate total revenue
totRev += rev[i];
//c) Determine the subsidiary company's income tax amount based on the tax rate
//calculate incometax amount
incometax = totRev*0.15;
else if(totRev>=100000 && totRev<=500000)
incometax = totRev*0.25;
else if(totRev>500000)
incometax = totRev*0.35;
//write the information into FirstHalfYear.txt
pw.println(compName+"\t\t"+ rev[0] + "\t\t" + rev[1]+"\t\t"+ rev[2] + "\t\t" + rev[3]+"\t\t"+ rev[4] + "\t\t" + rev[5]);
//write the information into Incometax.txt
pw2.println(compName+"\t\t"+ totRev +"\t\t" + incometax);
catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe)
catch(IOException ioe)
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